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LED technology may seem relatively new to some, but the science behind it dates back for decades. 

NASA was the first to develop this technology in the 1980s, for use by astronauts while in space. From developing it to grow vegetables in space shuttles, to ailing skin conditions caused by a lack of sunlight, LED Light was proven to benefit NASA astronauts in many ways. As for the different effects of the colour of the light- NASA found that plants favoured certain colours on the wavelength spectrum, growing at faster rates under red and blue light. 

These light wavelengths were found to have a similar effect on skin, encouraging cells to regenerate faster and at a higher level, therefore repairing the skin faster, and having a high cell turnaround. 

While LED Light Therapy has since developed within the cosmetic industry, the science and benefits behind it are the same. 

While some are concerned that by replacing the benefits of natural sunlight with LED light, the UV factor is still apparent. While LED Light produces a very small amount of UV radiation, it does not emit any UV radiation. This is because the amount that is produced is converted to white light by the phosphors inside the lamp.

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